Friday 7 May 2021

Questions for Today!!

 1.  What Psalm is known as a Psalm to pray over yourself for protection?  

A.  Psalm 33:

B.  Psalm 2:

C.  Psalm 111:

D.  Psalm 70:

E.  Psalm 91:

2.  Has God reconciled the whole world to Himself in Christ?                         2 Corinthians 5:

3.  "God is full of....."   Psalm 86:

4.  "He is......  to all."   Psalm 145:

5.  "He is the Father of........."   2 Corinthians 1:

6.  "Keep thy........ With all......., for out of it are the issues of....."   Proverbs 4:

7.  What  did Jesus say and do?   John 20:

8.  What must one forget?   Philippians 3:

9.  True/False. God's word is alive and contains within it the supernatural ability to bring itself to pass. Hebrews 4:

10.  True/False. Believe and speak as if everything you say is going to come to pass.      Mark 11:

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