Wednesday 5 May 2021

Questions For Today!!

1.    True or False:  The One who knows everything has come to live in you to serve as your personal Counselor.  John  16:

2.  True or False: You're born again to walk and talk with God.                        John 10:

3.  True or False:  By staying in communion with the Lord, you can walk every day in His rest and His blessing. Acts 9:

4.  You walk with God not by relying on the strength of your own flesh but by walking in the spirit. Philippians 2:

5.  The Word of God is......  John 17:

6.  What happened in John 18:, when Jesus said, "I am he?

7.  Who slashed off Malchus's right ear?  John 18:

8.  "That you might be filled with the...... of Christ"   Ephesians 3:

9.  "My sheep recognize my......, and I know them, and they..... me."   John 10:

10.  How did God show his great love for us? Romans 5:


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