Monday 14 September 2020

Questions for Today!!

1.  It's impossible to please God without it. What is it?  Hebrews 11:

2.  "Whatever is not of..... Is sin."   Romans 14:

3.  " The blessing of the Lord makes a person ....... , and he adds no......... with it."  Proverbs 10:

4.  "We having the same spirit of faith, believe and therefore....... "  2 Corinthians 4:

5.  "Faith without works is......"    James 2:

6. " Be doers of the......, and not.......only.".               James 1:

7.  You are born again to walk and talk with God. True or False.     John 10:

8.  "Your word is....."   John 17:

9.  "The.....of the Lord is your strength.".          Nehemiah 8:

10.  "The fruit of the spirit is......"  Galatians 5:

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