Saturday, 23 May 2020

Questions for Today!!

1.  How do you get more and more of God's kindness and peace? 2 Peter 1:

2.  Who should you give all your worries and cares to?  1 Peter 5:

3.  "Those who sow tears shall reap..."  Psalm 126:

4.  And I said, "Lord, I'll go! Send...." Isaiah 6:

 5.  "He is mighty to...."  Isaiah 63:

6.  What did Mary discover?  Luke 10:

7.  Who did Jesus say will receive the Holy Spirit?  Luke 11:

8.  What did Paul say would make him utterly miserable?      1 Corinthians 9:

9.  According to Colossians 3 how should you act and behave?

10.  "Don't be weary in...."   Colossians 4:

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