Wednesday 31 July 2019

Holy Spirit in the Old Testament:

Choose the correct Scripture:

1.  "Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit from me."

A.  Psalm 130:
B.  Psalm 7:
C.  Psalm 111:
D.  Psalm 25:
E.  Psalm 51:

2.  "And Elisha replied, "Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor."

A.  Joshua 5:
B.  Ezekiel 30:
C.  Jeremiah 27:
D.  Isaiah 55:
E.  2 Kings 2:

3.  "Then the Spirit of God came upon Azariah, son of Oded, and he went out to meet King Asa as he was returning from the battle.  "Listen to me, Asa!" he shouted.  "Listen, all you people of Judah and Benjamin! The LORD will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him.  But if you abandon him, he will abandon you."

A.  Ezekiel 35:
B.  2 Chronicles 15:
C.  Joshua 12:
D.  Deuteronomy 32:
E.  2 Kings 22:

4.  "until at last the Spirit is poured out on us from heaven.  Then the wilderness will become a fertile field, and the fertile field will yield bountiful crops."

A.  Jeremiah 35:
B.  1 Kings 23:
C.  2 Samuel 20:
D.  Joel 3:
E.  Isaiah 32:

5.  "And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations."

A.  Joshua 9:
B.  2 Samuel 25:
C.  Daniel 10:
D.  2 Chronicles 15:
E.  Ezekiel 36:

6.  "And I will never again turn my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the people of Israel.  I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!"

A.  Jeremiah 33:
B.  Jonah 3:
C.  1 Kings 18:
D.  Ezekiel 39:
E.  Exodus 29:

7.  "I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land.  Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken, and I have done what I said.  Yes, the LORD has spoken!"

A.  Jonah 3:
B.  Joshua 8:
C.  Proverbs 13:
B.  1 Chronicles 15:
E.  Ezekiel 37:

8.  "Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon me, and he told me to say, "This is what the LORD says to the people of Israel: I know what you are saying, for I know every thought that comes into your minds."

A.  Joshua 5:
B.  Exodus 13:
C.  Nahum 5:
D.  Deuteronomy 31:
E.  Ezekiel 11:

9.  "But as for me, I am filled with power - with the Spirit of the LORD.  I am filled with justice and strength to boldly declare Israel's sin and rebellion."

A.  Joel 5:
B.  Isaiah 50:
C.  Exodus 23:
D.  Micah 3:
E.  Joshua 9:

10.  "I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!"

A.  Psalm 120:
B.  Psalm 139:
C.  Psalm 105:
D.  Psalm 31:
E.  Psalm 75:

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