There is a question we want to ask you? What are you willing to give up for Jesus? What are you willing to turn your back on to follow Jesus? When Jesus called his first disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John, they didnt have any excuses to follow Jesus. When Jesus called them, they left their boats, nets, fishing, income and also the father of the two brothers behind! They dropped everything to follow Jesus! Matthew 19:27: Then Peter said to him, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?” And Jesus answered: Matthew 19:29: "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." Look at the promise Jesus gave: "You will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." It is very important to obey Jesus! So when He calls you to follow Him, what are you going to say to Him? Jesus, here I am, I'm willing to give up everything to follow you, or sorry Jesus, I can't. I am too busy with life, I love my life and I can't follow you. You will be rewarded when you obey His voice to follow Him.
Jesus said his disciples will be persecuted like He was persecuted. To be a disciple for Jesus you can not compromise!! You have to take a stand for Jesus, no matter what other people think. You will be persecuted by friends, family, government and other groups. You have to stand for Jesus no matter the cost. You have to obey Him rather than human authority. To be a disciple for Jesus you will have to go in an opposite direction to the world. People will criticize you, hate you, have nothing to do with you, they will think you are crazy, talk bad about you. But remember, "Greater is He in you than he who is in the world." You have Jesus on your side and if you perservere in persecution God will reward you. Are you willing to stand for Jesus no matter what the cost is? Don"t think you can serve Jesus on your own terms or in a safe way. To be a disciple for Jesus you are going to be in uncomfortoble situations and you will even stand alone. You have to focus on Jesus no matter what. You have to stand firm and strong for Jesus no matter what. But the reward will be greater! We are here on this earth to shine His light on this earth. To fight for Jesus no matter what. Even standing up against our friends, family, government and other groups.
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