Saturday 13 July 2024

Always worship the Lord!!

 Complete the verses:

1.  Psalm 63:

2.  Isaiah 12:

3.  Habakkuk 3:

4.  Psalm 9:

5.  Philippians 4:

6.  Romans 11:

7.  Psalm 145:

8.  Luke 4:

9.  Psalm 28:

10.  Romans 14:

11.  Psalm 103:

1.  Great is the Lord, and greatly to be ....................................

2.  And Jesus answered him, “It is written, You shall worship .........

3.  For from him and through ......................................................

4.  Bless the Lord, O my ..............................................................

5.  The Lord is my strength and my .......................................

6.  For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every .........................

7.  Because your steadfast love is better than ..................................

8.  Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done ................................

9.  Though the fig tree should not ..............................................

10.  I will be glad and exult ...................................................

11.  To our God and ....................................................................

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