Monday 13 May 2024

It is all about the Glory of God!!

 Fill in the missing words!!

1.  Ephesians 1:

2.  2 Corinthians 15:

3.  Hebrews 2:

4.  John 17:

5.  Colossians 3:

6.  Romans 5:

7.  1 Chronicles 16:

8.  Colossians 2:

9.  John 5:

1.  ................................ him we have also obtained access by

 ....................................... into this which we stand,

and we rejoice in hope of the...................................

2.  I have given them gave ...................., so 

they may be one as we are ................................................

3.  How can you ..................................., when you receive

 ........................................ from one another and do not ............... the

 glory that.................................from the only ...................................?

4.  And whatever you............................., in................................or

 ................., do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

5.  Declare his .................................among the nations, his

 .............................. among all the peoples!

6.  For in ......................... lives all the fullness of .......................... in 

a ...........................

7.  Having the eyes of your.....................................enlightened, that

 you may know what is the......................... to which he has

 ....................................... you, what are the riches of his the saints.

8.  That the God of our.................................................., the Father

 of...................., may give you the Spirit of ............................... and

of ........................... in the..................... of him.

9.  Therefore, if anyone is in ......................................, he is a 


The old has ..............................; behold, the ................................ has come.

10.  When Christ who is your ......................................  appears,

then you also will appear with ............................. in ........................

11.  God, for whom and through whom everything was

 ............................., chose to bring many children into

 .................................................. And it was only ..................... that

 he should make .................., through his ......................., a perfect

leader, fit to bring them into their .....................................................

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