Wednesday 22 May 2024

Bible Notes Extra!!

 Complete the verses:

1.  2 Corinthians 5:

2.  Hebrews 11:

3.  2 Timothy 2:

4.  Romans 8:

5.  Romans 10:

6.  Romans 1:

7.  Matthew 11:

8.  1 John 1:

9.  Romans 5:

10.  Genesis 1:

1.  Therefore, just as sin entered the world ..................................

2.  Come to me, all you ......................................................................

3.  Therefore, since we have been justified ..................................

4.  So God created human beings ..................................................

5.  I am not ashamed ....................................................................

6.  If we confess...........................................................................

7.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ ............................................

8.  Now faith is being sure .......................................................

9.  Do your best to present .....................................................

10.  Therefore, there is now ........................................................

11.  For, "Everyone who calls .....................................................

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