Thursday, 18 January 2024

Christening is not Biblical!

 Jesus' instructions was go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  He didn't say go and make babies disciples and christen them.  Babies cannot sin.  They cannot repent! We no longer live in the Old Testament but in the New Testament - under grace! Not even once in the Bible is it stated that babies must be christened.  Jesus was baptized when He was 30 years old and not as a baby! Wherever the disciples went, they told the people to repent and to be baptized.

Matthew 28:19: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Baptism is a public display where you repent from your sins and where you commit your life to follow Jesus.  The old life is gone and the new life has begun.  You no longer belong to this world.  Baptism is obeying Jesus' command.  

To be a Born Again Christian you need to:

1.  Repent: Turn your back on sin and ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your life.

2.  Baptism: You enter the water as a sinner and you come out of the water as a new person who's sins are washed away.  You are a new person under grace! 

Babies cannot do it.  It is a false doctorine!!

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