Thursday 7 October 2021


 Match A with the correct answer in B:


1.  Psalm 25:

2.  Psalm 66:

3.  Psalm 124:

4.  Psalm 35:

5.  Psalm 111:

6.  Psalm 90:

7.  Psalm 18:

8.  Psalm 5:

9.  Psalm 122:

10.  Psalm 70:

11.  Psalm 33:

12.  Psalm 55:

13.  Psalm 118:

14.  Psalm 123:

15.  Psalm 89:

16.  Psalm 1:

17.  Psalm 96:

18.  Psalm 50:

19.  Psalm 134:

20.  Psalm 145:

21.  Psalm 102:

22.  Psalm 119:

23.  Psalm 20:


1.  "Behold, bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord, Who serve by night in the house of the Lord!'

2.  "The Lord, the Mighty One, is God, and he has spoken; he has summoned all humanity from where the sun rises to where it sets."

3.  "May he send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you from Jerusalem.  May he remember all your gifts and look favorably on your burnt offerings. May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed."

4.  "I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me."

5.  "Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you."

6.  "Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men."

7.  "Our help is from the Lord,nwho made heaven and earth."

8.  "Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails."

9.  "Then I will rejoice in the Lord.  I will be glad because he rescues me."

10.  "Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; Let the sea roar, and all it contains."

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