Monday 9 August 2021

Questions For Today!!

Find the verses in:

Fill in the missing words:

Psalm 100:

Psalm 95:

Psalm 105:

Psalm 108:

Psalm 104:

Psalm 101:

Psalm 98:

1.  "Let the....... In all its vastness roar with...."

2.  "Let the...... Clap their hands in....."  

3.  "....... With joy before the Lord."  

4.  "Go through his open gates with....., enter his courts with..."  

5.  " him and...... His name."  

6.  "Come let us..... Down in....."  

7.  "I will sing about your....... And your......, Lord."  

8.  "You are robed with..... And with.... And with......"

9.  "....... for him and for his....... , and keep on......."  

10.   "Oh God, my........ Is ready to praise you."  


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