Wednesday 9 June 2021

Questions For Today!!

 1.  Does God want us to reign in life? Romans 5:

2.  Are God's blessings a free gift or not? Romans 4:

3.  What kind of attitude should we have?  Philippians 2:

4.  Always be full of...... In the Lord. Philippians 4:

5.  Don't be weary in.......   Colossians 4:

6.  In heaven a....... Is waiting for me   2 Timothy 4:

7.  God speaks of his angels as.....   Hebrews 1:

8.  What is faith? Hebrews 11:

9.  You can never please God without.....    Hebrews 11:

10.  For our God is a.......  .......  Hebrews 12:     

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