Tuesday 4 May 2021

Questions for Today!!

 1.  Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after.......... for they shall be..........    Matthew 5:

2.  Who shall be great in the Kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 5:

3.  "And when He spoke a........... word,......... the demons fled."  Matthew 8:

4.  The disciples went everywhere, doing what?  Mark 16:

5.  "For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the....."                 Luke 12:

6.  Jesus said, "I am the....... of the world."  John 8:

7.  How do you enter the Kingdom of God?  John 3:

8.  Who takes away the sins of the world? John 1:

9.  Who is the Gate? John 10:

10.  What is the thief's purpose?   John 10:

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