Choose the correct Scripture:
1. "True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life."
A. Job 15:
B. Joshua 7:
C. Genesis 20:
D. Numbers 11:
E. Proverbs 22:
2. "But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love."
A. Psalm 90:
B. Psalm 125:
C. Psalm 70:
D. Psalm 145:
E. Psalm 33:
3. "For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him."
A. Psalm 107:
B. Psalm 98:
C. Psalm 34:
D. Psalm 65:
E. Psalm 45:
"In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of
salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your
A. Ezekiel 33:
B. Deuteronomy 32:
C. Joshua 11:
D. Daniel 11:
E. Isaiah 33:
5. "For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth."
A. Psalm 110:
B. Psalm 103:
C. Psalm 99:
D. Psalm 10:
E. Psalm 77:
"Those who fear the Lord are secure; he will be a refuge for their
children. Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape
from the snares of death."
A. Numbers 13:
B. Exodus 22:
C. Leviticus 11:
D. 1 Samuel 22:
E. Proverbs 14:
"These were his instructions to them: “You must always act in the fear
of the Lord, with faithfulness and an undivided heart."
A. 1 Samuel 22:
B. Deuteronomy 18:
C. 2 Kings 15:
D. Judges 10:
E. 2 Chronicles 19:
8. "But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you."
A. 2 Kings 20:
B. Joshua 13:
C. Isaiah 50:
D. Jeremiah 39:
E. 1 Samuel 12:
9. "Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him."
A. Jeremiah 33:
B. Proverbs 20:
C. Job 20:
D. 1 Chronicles 15:
E. Deuteronomy 13:
10. "You must fear the Lord your God and serve him. When you take an oath, you must use only his name."
A. Exodus 17:
B. 2 Chronicles 20:
c. Jeremiah 38:
D. Deuteronomy 6:
E. Isaiah 22:
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