1. Even if you've sinned, if you come to Him, will Jesus forgive you and heal you? James 5:
2. All Jesus asks is that you put your ....... in Him and ..... what He said. Luke 4:
3. Is Jesus still saying, "I will," to all who come to Him for healing? Matthew 8:
4. Is Jesus still the same Jesus today that He was in the Gospels? Acts 1:
5. When it comes to healing, has Jesus always been an easy touch? Luke 6:
6. Did Jesus heal some or all, according to Luke 6:
7. Jesus is the same yesterday, ........ and .........? Hebrews 13:
8. Was Jesus willing to heal the Roman centurion's servant who was paralyzed? Matthew 8:
9. Then he touched their eyes saying, "Let it be done for you according to your faith." Matthew 9:
10. Peter's mother-in-law was sick with fever. What did Jesus do about it? Luke 4:
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