Choose the correct Scripture:
1. “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
A. Jeremiah 50:
B. Ezekiel 31:
C. 2 Samuel 20:
D. Joel 3:
E. Isaiah 55:
2. "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
A. Joshua 10:
B. Amos 7:
C. Daniel 5:
D. Jeremiah 22:
E. Isaiah 6:
3. "In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
A. Mark 10:
B. John 18:
C. Romans 11:
D. 2 Peter 1:
E. Luke 17:
4. "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
A. Romans 8:
B. Acts 11:
C. Galatians 5:
D. 1 Corinthians 11:
E. 3 John 1:
5. "Because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever."
A. John 7:
B. Ephesians 3:
C. 1 Thessalonians 2:
D. 2 John 1:
E. 1 Timothy 5:
6. "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."
A. James 5:
B. Hebrews 10:
C. Colossians 3:
D. Romans 11:
E. 1 John 5:
7. "Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire."
A. Luke 11:
B. Acts 7:
C. 1 John 3:
D. Philippians 2:
E. 2 Peter 1:
8. "And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith."
A. Exodus 23:
B. Joshua 10:
C. Deuteronomy 29:
D. Numbers 10:
E. Genesis 15:
9. "These were his instructions to them: “You must always act in the fear of the Lord, with faithfulness and an undivided heart."
A. 1 Kings 12:
B. Leviticus 9:
C. Jeremiah 35:
D. Exodus 22:
E. 2 Chronicles 19:
10. “Because of your faith, it will happen.”
A. Luke 10:
B. Acts 18:
C. Hebrews 12:
D. Galatians 3:
E. Matthew 9:
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